
'Reading a book is like re-writing it for yourself. You bring to a novel, anything you read, all your experience of the world. You bring your history and you read it in your own terms.'- Angela Carter

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Super Thursday: My Wishlist

Hey guys! So today is Super Thursday in the book world where 505 hardbacks are released into the wild. It's one of my favourite bookish days - I love seeing all of the new books released and the excitement that comes with it. With so many books flying out, I thought I'd showcase some of my personal highlights that I can't wait to get my hands on. 

Monday, 2 October 2017

I Put A Spell On You: Halloween Reads

(c) Barnes & Noble
Hey guys! Long time, no speak? Things have been a little hectic in my personal life these last few months so the blog has been a little neglected. October seems like the perfect month to bounce back! I love Halloween and adore the Autumn so today I'm bringing you some of the books that I'm looking forward to reading this Halloween.